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Driven by Mission World Trade Inc.
Why are communities of color underfunded?The world has changed, 2020 made sure we are all aware of this. Especially in the black & brown communities. News headlines remind us of this every day. Covid-19 has ripped through streets, corner to corner, leaving black and brown depleted of hope and resources. Throughout these hard times, individuals, nonprofits, governments, and corporations gave in radical ways and came together like never before to support one another. We should capture this. Where's your share? Join SWACLO to find out.
At Stake - Political literacy, Humanity and Wellness"Do you have a community action plan? An action plan is one example which can be used to build a team designed by community members. We all know that there is strength in numbers. This is why taking action and identifying those specific problems and needs of the community are essential. A united community calls for an action plan that is designed to improve ones quality of life.
Court Systems- For or Against Minorities?Fact: Court systems are broken for minorities. Courts rule by Laws. If you don't know the laws of your State/City.-you can become a victim. Want change? Get to know your judicial candidate. Let us show you what to look for.
Who represents "poor communities"? Do you know how to hold them responsible?"Your Vote is your voice !It cannot be duplicated. Your vote elects people that earn your trust to represent sources of improvement for your communities. Your vote should elect people you've built trust in to represent you. Learn how to track the bills/laws they support. Hold them accountable. Make them earn your trust. You are "the Lit" in Civic Literacy. Let's "Get Busy" in the voting booths! Host "Lit" Civic Education Contests in your community-win prizes! Join SWACLO
Why is Violence Prevention Complex?Who/Where are those Big Federal $$$? Join SWACLO we will show you and help you to learn to stay on track.
What does a SWACLO member mean for my community and how much does it cost?Membership is free- as long as you can demonstrate progress in educating your community on how to use resources we share . We will show you how. Join today!
What does a SWACLO membership mean for me and mine?Wake Up Calls in your in box. As an informed community member or leader-you may save someone's life. Adolescents/Youth comprise 22% of the country's population, Many suffer from the following: Mental disorders Violence, (Homicide and Suicide) Substance Abuse Smoking Addictions Nutrition Image-weight issues STDS Teen and unwanted Pregnancies Lack of Education Homelessness Motor Vehicle Collisions. We are losing our babies, neighbors and future. Time to Act is now. Action starts with you! JOIN SWACLO today. It's Free!
Who lost valuable community $$$? Can they be restored?Let's find out. JOIN SWACLO Today it's free!
How do I become a Mental Health First Aid Leader?It's easier than you may think. We can train you and your groups in one day. JOIN SWACLO and find out how.
Rumour erodes community alignments - here's why.We must unite to beat this Social Crisis . Rumours don't solve our problems. The time is now to make a critical difference. Time to learn the difference. FACTS+UNITY=RESULTS ! Join SWACLO today!
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